Ted Summer


things I like 🍓


I have a microkorg and make music in Ableton. Amateur pianist.




I'm into 90s mountain bikes right now. I have a '93 raleigh m-40 currently



just kidding i have no idea how to use it properly

other protocols for this site



sometimes I make things



this website (lists version)



This website is written as a single file in a big list. html and gemfiles are generated from this data.

list format roughly follows syntax follows gemini gemfile format. will probably move further away from it as I go because its mine

almost entirely plain html and css. there's a small amount of javascript to support navigating directly to nodes, but the site works without js


here's where i write tests for this website




what do you think?

this is a really long line I wonder how it will render. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.



what's under here?

// code formatting
def hello():
foo = 1 + 2.3
"foo": {
"bar": [1, 2, 3, "four"]
"yes": false
`code` print('i have children'...

print('i have children')

hello from the child

// really long lines of code
func hello():
print('hello, how are you doing today? Please input how you are doing')
response = input('>')
if response == 'good':
print('im so glad to hear it. you know this reminds me of a really long story. not sure I should get into it now')
// do some long math
hello = foo + bar + baz + 1.23 + pi * ('foobar' / 100) % 123 < 100 ? 123 : 456


fix text overflow for text on mobile

generate list data for _all_ go files (currently explicitly listed)

tombola: generative music

Inspired by Teenage Engineering OP-1's tombola sequencer.



liztz: notes as lists

A lightweight note taking application centered around lists.


tasks: timeline estimation

A timeline estimator for multiple tasks. Uses Monte Carlo simulations to estimate when a collection of tasks will be complete. Mostly an exercise in creating fluid UI/UX.





GitHub Actions by Example is an introduction to GitHub’s Actions and Workflows through annotated example YAML files. I wrote a custom HTML generator in Golang to generate the documentation from YAML files.



A game where players build themed music playlists with friends. Had some fun writing a custom router in Golang.




chat with yourself




free sqlite databases. queried through HTTP API. hand made with go




Post-it notes and scheduled reminders app.



paropt: tool optimization automation




pixel synth

Pixel-based video synthesizer in HTML/JS


maze solving twitter bot

Twitter bot which solves another Twitter bot’s ASCII mazes. Looks like it's banned now. thanks elon ®


pentaku js

Play against a friend or naive bots in pentago, gomoku, and other grid based games.


sometimes I write


are there people who think "self-development" using llms is bad? why

maybe they think it's antisocial. i think that depends. im not sure it's necessarily antisocial, and could be prosocial in end.

if i agree with a statement, but didn't synthesize it myself, how does that impact things? books vs llms

i suppose it could further encourage "fast eradication of discomfort by any means necessary" but i think that's not the same as actual self-development.

*the information from llm could be bad or misunderstood (but idk if that's unique to llm vs talking to friend/reading book)

*your ability to solve problems without the llm could get worse. which seems ok, but if you lose llm you might be fucked (nicotine/health argument)

* = thoughts after chatting with llm about this question :)

dates are hostile ui elements

specific dates in far future or past mean nothing. we "don't care". or maybe straight up can't recall b/c it's so specific without context.

e.g. someone reading my "last updated xxxx-xx-xx" date on bottom of my site and trying to determine "is there something new" or even "is this thing still used"

it'd be cool if there was like a flower that slowly dies as "days since last updated" increases. i think im going to make that

though i guess in a "reference" format (when did X happen) are useful (e.g. calendar lol)

full webpage scroll effects are whack 99% of the time

looks like even apple.com has chilled out with these effects

there's probably some game dev principle about not violating expected input effects

requiring the site to turn the users mouse into a "scroll down" hint should tell you you've fucked up

perl should have used the keyword "my" for constants and "our" for variables

my $NAME = "ted";
our @shared_friends = ("alice", "bob", "charlie");

it also should have used camel case

archiving your internet




download your albums by clicking the kebab on each album and selecting "download". you could script this if you wanted. also it's async, facebook will give you a notification in app when it's ready to download.

download the photos of yourself with the script below. Load the page with images, scroll down until all are loaded, then run the script. ymmv, use whatever ai you have to generate the script if needed. Note that this downloads the thumbnails which is less than ideal but I'm too lazy to do something more complex.

// find all images on the page
let images = document.querySelectorAll('img');
// filter for images that have a src and a class containing "xzg4506"
let filteredImages = Array.from(images).filter(img =>
img.src && img.className.includes('xzg4506')
// function to download an image
async function downloadImage(img, index) {
try {
let response = await fetch(img.src);
let blob = await response.blob();
let link = document.createElement('a');
let url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
link.href = url;
link.download = `image-${index + 1}.jpg`; // default naming scheme
URL.revokeObjectURL(url); // clean up the object URL
console.log(`Downloaded: image-${index + 1}`);
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Failed to download image ${img.src}`, err);
// download all images sequentially
(async function downloadAllImages() {
for (let i = 0; i < filteredImages.length; i++) {
await downloadImage(filteredImages[i], i);
console.log('Done downloading all images.');

sourcehut pages

I began trying out sourcehut because it has gemini hosting.


It's significantly easier to use than github pages. The docs are great and short, but I'm documenting some snippets to make copypasting things easier for myself later.


add a .build.yml file


image: alpine/edge
oauth: pages.sr.ht/PAGES:RW
- hut
repo: <the repo name>
domain: <top level domain or subdomain>
- publish:
# can replace -C ${repo} with the directory containing your files.
# can replace "." to determine where to save the tar file
tar -cvzf "site.tar.gz" -C ${repo} .
# can use gemini protocol with `-p GEMINI`
hut pages publish -d ${domain} -p HTTPS site.tar.gz
# publish to subdomains too (just follow instructions for setting the CNAME record in docs)
# hut pages publish -d www.${domain} -p HTTPS site.tar.gz

configure DNS


for top level domains, just add A and AAAA records


I wanted to make some prints on hats for a "running party" we were having. A mouse dubbed [Mr. Jiggy](https://banjokazooie.fandom.com/wiki/Jiggy) lives (lived) with us, so I wanted him as a mascot on each teams hat. So I bought some linoleum, cheap ass tools, and speedball fabric ink off amazon.

I found a chinese site that sells hat blanks, but I would not recommend it because the hats I received did not look like the advertised product. 1 star.

mr. jiggy lived in our dishwasher and while playing banjo kazooie after my roommate had a heatstroke we though it was really funny to name him that (her? we don't know).

I asked Dall-E to generate some photos of linoleum mice as a starting place then handdrew a simplified version onto the linoleum.

This worked out pretty well other than the fact that I probably made it slightly too small (~2x2 inches) and it was really hard to get the hair detail. Not much to say about the cutting.


I of course forgot that the print would be "in reverse" (flipped on horizontally) but who cares when it's a mouse. It would have been a problem if I stuck with the original plan of writing "stay sweaty" in Bosnian underneath but I scrapped that after our Bosnian friend began to explain the fact that Bosnian has gendered nouns and I didn't like the longer alternatives.

Though I just did some googling/llming and found some cool bosnian bro speak like "živa legenda" (living legend) which would have been dope.

chatgpt tells me "ajmo brate" says "lets go bro" and I found this shirt on amazon (supposedly) saying "let's go bro, sit in the tavern, order, drink, and eat, let the eyes shine from the wine, we don't live for a thousand years" which is a sentiment I appreciate

I rolled the ink on 4th of july paper plates that were too small. I will be looking for glass panes or something similar for rolling ink at the animal crossing store in future visits.

I learned that I have no idea how much ink to use, and that you should put a solid thing behind whatever you're printing on (the mesh backing left a pattern in the first print). But it does seem cool to experiment printing with some patterned texture behind the print.

I had been warned that nylon is a terrible fabric to print on but I did it anyways.

It's still not fully dry after 12 hours but whatever. we'll see. it'll probably wash out.

The first few hats looked ok. In future prints I'd like to try a few things:

simpler design

bigger design (~2.5 inches)

trim off more of the excess linoleum when working with awkward printing surfaces

the white print had way too much ink I think. The black print looks wonky because I printed without a solid surface behind the fabric (the mesh behind the hat came through).

aws lambda: local server

I've been messing around with a project which uses netlify and lambda (it's free and static sites are hawt). I basically have one main lambda function which handles api requests built in golang. It's pretty awesome how easy netlify lets you build and deploy, but I wanted to a nice local setup for building and testing my api server. I think aws has its own tooling for this, but I didn't really want to start fooling with it, so I came up with this.

First, use a docker container docker-lambda to actually "run" the lambda. This is an awesome container, but you have to use the lambda API for interacting with the service. That's no good because our frontend shouldn't care about the lambda API, and it should just use the API gateway netlify uses for the functions.


To fix this, I created a small python proxy takes requests, converts them into API Gateway requests, forwards it to our docker container with the lambda, then converts the API Gateway response into a normal HTTP response. I _really_ struggled to get the python request handler to do all of the things I wanted, but eventually I got it working.

Here's the full script I use to run the lambda as an HTTP API locally. Since I'm using golang I use the `go1.x` tag for the container and provide the path to the executable. Also, I ended up wrapping the python starting process in a loop b/c it was taking a while for the port to become available again after killing and restarting the script.

#! /bin/bash
# Starts a a mock lambda server allowing you to make requests
set -
# build my go executable
make build
docker rm -f lambda_service 2>&1 >/dev/null || true
docker run -d --rm
--name lambda_service
-p 9001:9001
--env-file .env
-v "$PWD":/var/task:ro,delegated
# Change tag and path to executable as needed
lambci/lambda:go1.x ./bin/functions/jockey
# start a proxy server that handles translating to and from APIGateway request/responses
python3 -c
from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler
from http.client import parse_headers
import socketserver
from urllib.request import urlopen
from json import dumps, loads
import os
import time
PORT = 8000
LAMBDA_PORT = int(os.getenv("LAMBDA_PORT", "9001"))
class Proxy(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
# change the function name as needed (my functions name is jockey)
lambda_endpoint = f"http://localhost:{LAMBDA_PORT}/2015-03-31/functions/jockey/invocations"
def proxy_it(self):
content_length = self.headers["Content-Length"]
data_string = ""
if content_length:
data_string = self.rfile.read(int(content_length)).decode()
constructed_request = {
"path": self.path,
"httpMethod": self.command,
"body": data_string,
"headers": {k: self.headers[k] for k in self.headers.keys()}
print("Sending Request: ", constructed_request)
response = urlopen(self.lambda_endpoint, dumps(constructed_request).encode())
body = response.read().decode()
http_response = loads(body)
print("\nGot Response: ", http_response)
headers = http_response.get("headers", {})
body = http_response["body"] if http_response.get("body") else ""
status_code = http_response.get("statusCode", 500)
for header, value in headers.items():
self.send_header(header, value)
self.wfile.write(bytes(body, "utf-8"))
def do_GET(self):
def do_POST(self):
def do_OPTIONS(self):
started = False
while not started:
with socketserver.TCPServer(("", PORT), Proxy) as httpd:
started = True
print(f"Proxying from port {PORT} to {LAMBDA_PORT}")
print("Port still occupied, waiting...")

This could probably be improved but it's worked so far for my toy project. One significant improvement to this process would be to have the docker container auto rebuild the function whenever it changes, but I've yet to add that.

jq: looping

Here's a quick example of using jq in a for loop. jq has some nice functional stuff built in such as `map()`, but sometimes you need to do some fancy stuff with the data. This might be useful when you've filtered a jq array, and then need to iterate over the objects to do some work that you can't do in jq alone.

For this example, the goal is to iterate through an array of user objects, downloading their pictures. We'll use some fake user data from https://reqres.in/, you can download it with the script below


curl https://reqres.in/api/users?page=1 > user_loop.json


"page": 1
"per_page": 6
"total": 12
"total_pages": 2
"data": [
"id": 1
"email": "george.bluth@reqres.in"
"first_name": "George"
"last_name": "Bluth"
"avatar": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/calebogden/128.jpg"
"id": 2
"email": "janet.weaver@reqres.in"
"first_name": "Janet"
"last_name": "Weaver"
"avatar": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/josephstein/128.jpg"

The finished result

mkdir -p $imagesDir
while read -r user; do
avatarURL=$(echo $user | jq -r '.avatar')
imagePath="${imagesDir}/$(echo $user | jq -r '.first_name + .last_name').jpg"
echo "Downloading ${avatarURL} to ${imagePath}"
curl -s -o ${imagePath} ${avatarURL}
done <<< "$(cat user_loop.json | jq -c '.data[]')"

The part of interest (the looping), is written like this

while read -r user; do
# do work on user object
done <<< "$(cat user_loop.json | jq -c '.data[]')"

# Breakdown

## Get the objects

First, we care only about the `data` array which stores our user objects containing the URLs, so we use that object id to access it:

cat user_loop.json | jq -c '.data[]'

Notice `-c` flag, it's important for looping over the objects. This tells jq to put each object onto a single line, which we'll use in the loop.

## Loop over lines

In bash, we can loop over lines by using the `while read -r varName; do ...; done <<< "$lineSeparatedVar"` pattern. `read -r <name>` will read in a line from STDIN, then assign the value to `<name>`; the `-r` flag tells `read` "do not allow backslashes to escape any characters".

Now we can loop over objects from our array like so

while read -r user; do
# do work on user object
done <<< "$(cat user_loop.json | jq -c '.data[]')"

# Notes

I've not fully tested this code. You may want to base64 encode the objects, then decode them if you wanna be really safe.

`curl` concurrently, toss a `&` on the end of the curl to run it as a background process

jq: group, unique, average

Recently I've been running through picoCTF 2018 and saw this problem that can be solved with some cool stuff from jq (a handy JSON processor for the command line).



Question: What is the number of unique destination IPs a file is sent to, on average?

A shortened version of the provided data, `incidents.json`, is below.

"tickets": [
"ticket_id": 0
"timestamp": "2017/06/10 07:50:14"
"file_hash": "fb0abe9b2a37e234"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""
"ticket_id": 1
"timestamp": "2017/06/11 05:19:56"
"file_hash": "f2d8740404ff1d55"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""
"ticket_id": 9
"timestamp": "2015/12/10 17:28:48"
"file_hash": "cafc9c5ec7ebc133"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""


Pipe it up, pipe it up, pipe it up, pipe it up
Pipe it up, pipe it up, pipe it up, pipe it up
- Migos, Pipe it up


In jq you just create an array of the number of unique destination IPs for each file hash, then calculate the average:

$ cat incidents.json
| jq '[
| group_by(.file_hash)[]
| unique_by(.dst_ip)
| length
| add / length'

jq accepts a JSON document as input, so first we `cat` our JSON data into jq. In jq, arrays and individual elements can be piped into other functions.

## group_by

The first step is pretty straight forward. We select `tickets` and group the objects the objects by their `.file_hash` attribute, giving us this:

`code` bash $ cat incidents.js...

$ cat incidents.json
| jq '[
| group_by(.file_hash)[]

"ticket_id": 3
"timestamp": "2017/08/14 18:02:17"
"file_hash": "1a03d0a86d991e91"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""
"ticket_id": 5
"timestamp": "2015/08/17 20:48:14"
"file_hash": "43e10d21eb3f5dc8"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""
"ticket_id": 7
"timestamp": "2015/03/18 22:37:20"
"file_hash": "43e10d21eb3f5dc8"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""
"ticket_id": 0
"timestamp": "2017/06/10 07:50:14"
"file_hash": "fb0abe9b2a37e234"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""
"ticket_id": 8
"timestamp": "2015/07/08 17:11:17"
"file_hash": "fb0abe9b2a37e234"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""

## unique_by

Next we find the objects with unique destination ips within each of these groups. I'm not sure how jq decides which object to select from a group that share a value, but it doesn't matter for our purposes.

$ cat incidents.json
| jq '[
| group_by(.file_hash)[]
| unique_by(.dst_ip)
- output:
- \`\`\`JSON
"ticket_id": 3
"timestamp": "2017/08/14 18:02:17"
"file_hash": "1a03d0a86d991e91"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""
"ticket_id": 7
"timestamp": "2015/03/18 22:37:20"
"file_hash": "43e10d21eb3f5dc8"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""
"ticket_id": 5
"timestamp": "2015/08/17 20:48:14"
"file_hash": "43e10d21eb3f5dc8"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""
"ticket_id": 0
"timestamp": "2017/06/10 07:50:14"
"file_hash": "fb0abe9b2a37e234"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""
"ticket_id": 8
"timestamp": "2015/07/08 17:11:17"
"file_hash": "fb0abe9b2a37e234"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""

## length

Then we get the number of objects in each group

$ cat incidents.json
| jq '[
| group_by(.file_hash)[]
| unique_by(.dst_ip)
| length



## add / length

Then you can just pipe that array into `add / length` to calculate the average for the array

$ cat incidents.json
| jq '[
| group_by(.file_hash)[]
| unique_by(.dst_ip)
| length
| add / length'



sometimes I talk

server-sent events

A brief introduction to server-sent events, when to use them and when not to use them.




Introduction to Schematron, a language for validating XML documents.





M.S. in computer science

University of Chicago, 3.9 / 4.0, 2018-2019

Algorithms, C Programming, Operating Systems, Networks, Parallel Programming, Big Data, Application Security, Intro to Computer Systems, Discrete Math

B.S. double major neuroscience & chinese studies

Furman University, 3.48 / 4.0, 2012-2016

work experience

Replit, senior software engineer

February 2022 - September 2024

Bringing the the next billion software creators online.

Devetry, senior software engineer

February 2022 - September 2024

Solving complex problems for clients with custom software and codebase improvements (Python, Django, Golang, JavaScript, XML Schema, PHP)

Tech lead for the rebuilding of the Devetry website (Netlify, React)

University of Chicago - Globus Labs, graduate practicum student

January 2019 - June 2019

Created Python package which automates the process of deploying, running, and optimizing arbitrary programs

Used Bayesian Optimization to significantly reduce the amount of time required optimize tool configuration

Created RESTful web service for running jobs with the package on AWS and storing results using Flask, Redis, Docker Compose and PostgreSQL

University of Chicago - Center for Translational Data Science, software developer

May 2018 - May 2019

Used Node.js, Groovy, Bash, and Docker to develop tools and automation for Kubernetes management and CI/CD pipelines in Jenkins

Created custom canary rollout method using Kubernetes, JavaScript, and NGINX

NORC, graduate research assistant II, software developer

Refactored, enhanced, and fixed previous bugs in Django web application backend

Designed and created a custom survey frontend using vanilla JavaScript, primarily targeted at mobile use

Created tools and statistical analysis reports on data collected through the platform using Pandas

Furman University, lab coordinator

June 2016 - July 2017

Created data processing pipelines for organizing, cleaning, and merging eye tracking, EEG and behavioral data using Jupyter notebooks, Pandas, Numpy, and matplotlib

Created an embedded database application in Java with functional GUI for more effective recruitment

tools and such


source code




package main
import (
dev "github.com/macintoshpie/listwebsite/dev"
const siteData = "me.txt"
const outDir = "build"
var out = filepath.Join(outDir, "index.html")
const siteTemplate = "me.tmpl.html"
const debug = false
func main() {
dev.BuildHTML(siteData, siteTemplate)
fmt.Println("Rebuilt site")




package main
import (
parser "github.com/macintoshpie/listwebsite/parsers"
const siteData = "me.txt"
const outDir = "build"
const siteTemplate = "me.tmpl.html"
func main() {
// build the site every time the site data changes
siteMonitor, err := monitors.NewFileMonitor([]string{siteData, siteTemplate})
if err != nil {
done := make(chan bool)
go func() {
for x := range siteMonitor.Changed {
_ =
dev.BuildHTML(siteData, siteTemplate)
fmt.Printf("%s Rebuilt site from site data\n", time.Now().Format("2006/01/02 15:04:05"))
// update the site data every time one of the code file changes
allGoFiles := getAllGoFiles(".")
codeMonitor, err := monitors.NewFileMonitor(allGoFiles)
if err != nil {
go func() {
for x := range codeMonitor.Changed {
_ =
fmt.Printf("%s Updated site data with source code\n", time.Now().Format("2006/01/02 15:04:05"))
go func() {
go func() {
func changeDepth(node *parser.Node, newDepth int) {
node.Depth = newDepth
for _, child := range node.Children {
changeDepth(child, newDepth+1)
func updateSiteDataSourceCode() {
siteTxt, err := os.Open(siteData)
if err != nil {
root := parser.Parse(siteTxt)
sourceCodeNode, err := root.FindNode("source code")
if err != nil {
listRenderer := renderers.NewListRenderer()
// render first without the new code to avoid dupes in me.txt when reading below
sourceCodeNode.Children = []*parser.Node{}
siteTxt, err = os.Create(siteData)
if err != nil {
listRenderer.Render(root, siteTxt)
daNode := parser.ParseFileTree(".", []string{".go"}, []string{"me.txt", "me.tmpl.html"})
// since this is getting moved into a subtree, we need to change the depth of the node
changeDepth(daNode, sourceCodeNode.Depth+1)
// since parsefiletree returns a root (and we already have one in the tree we're editing) we need to append the children
sourceCodeNode.Children = append(sourceCodeNode.Children, daNode.Children...)
for _, child := range daNode.Children {
child.Parent = sourceCodeNode
siteTxt, err = os.Create(siteData)
if err != nil {
listRenderer.Render(root, siteTxt)
func getAllGoFiles(codeDir string) []string {
codeFiles := []string{}
err := filepath.Walk(codeDir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if !info.IsDir() && filepath.Ext(path) == ".go" {
codeFiles = append(codeFiles, path)
return nil
if err != nil {
return codeFiles



package dev
import (
parser "github.com/macintoshpie/listwebsite/parsers"
const outDir = "build"
var out = filepath.Join(outDir, "index.html")
const debug = false
var templateData = struct {
Me string
Date string
Me: "",
Date: time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")
func BuildHTML(siteDataFile, siteTemplateFile string) {
siteTxt, err := os.Open(siteDataFile)
if err != nil {
defer siteTxt.Close()
root := parser.Parse(siteTxt)
dataOutput, err := os.CreateTemp(os.TempDir(), "listwebsite-*.html")
if err != nil {
defer dataOutput.Close()
walker := walkers.NewWalker()
// use the xml package to construct the html
encoder := xml.NewEncoder(dataOutput)
if debug {
encoder.Indent("", " ")
// write the "wrapper" for all rendered block types
walker.AddEventListener(parser.RenderableBlockTypes[:], walkers.ListenerConfig{
OnEnter: func(node *parser.Node) {
attrs := []xml.Attr{
{Name: xml.Name{Local: "name"}, Value: node.Parent.ID}
{Name: xml.Name{Local: "id"}, Value: node.ID}
if len(node.Children) > 0 {
encodeStartTag(encoder, "details", attrs...)
attrs = []xml.Attr{
{Name: xml.Name{Local: "title"}, Value: node.Content}
if node.Content == "css" {
attrs = append(attrs, xml.Attr{Name: xml.Name{Local: "id"}, Value: "sillyCss"})
encodeStartTag(encoder, "summary", attrs...)
encodeStartTag(encoder, "a", xml.Attr{Name: xml.Name{Local: "href"}, Value: fmt.Sprintf("#%s", node.ID)})
encodeEndTag(encoder, "a")
encodeEndTag(encoder, "summary")
encodeStartTag(encoder, "p")
} else {
// my shit is falling apart....
if node.BlockType == parser.BlockText || (node.BlockType == parser.BlockLink && !isProbablyImage(node.Content)) {
attrs = append(attrs, xml.Attr{Name: xml.Name{Local: "class"}, Value: "parent"})
encodeStartTag(encoder, "p", attrs...)
OnExit: func(node *parser.Node) {
if len(node.Children) > 0 {
encodeEndTag(encoder, "p")
encodeEndTag(encoder, "details")
} else {
if node.BlockType == parser.BlockText || (node.BlockType == parser.BlockLink && !isProbablyImage(node.Content)) {
encodeEndTag(encoder, "p")
// render text blocks
walker.AddEventListener([]parser.BlockType{parser.BlockText}, walkers.ListenerConfig{
OnEnter: func(node *parser.Node) {
// nodes with children are handled by wrapper block
if len(node.Children) == 0 {
OnExit: func(node *parser.Node) {
// render quote blocks
walker.AddEventListener([]parser.BlockType{parser.BlockQuote}, walkers.ListenerConfig{
OnEnter: func(node *parser.Node) {
encodeStartTag(encoder, "blockquote")
encodeEndTag(encoder, "blockquote")
OnExit: func(node *parser.Node) {
// render link blocks
walker.AddEventListener([]parser.BlockType{parser.BlockLink}, walkers.ListenerConfig{
OnEnter: func(node *parser.Node) {
if isProbablyImage(node.Content) {
attrs := []xml.Attr{
{Name: xml.Name{Local: "src"}, Value: node.Content}
{Name: xml.Name{Local: "alt"}, Value: node.Content}
{Name: xml.Name{Local: "loading"}, Value: "lazy"}
encodeStartTag(encoder, "img", attrs...)
encodeEndTag(encoder, "img")
} else if isProbablyYouTube(node.Content) {
attrs := []xml.Attr{
{Name: xml.Name{Local: "src"}, Value: node.Content}
{Name: xml.Name{Local: "loading"}, Value: "lazy"}
{Name: xml.Name{Local: "frameborder"}, Value: "0"}
{Name: xml.Name{Local: "allow"}, Value: "accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"}
{Name: xml.Name{Local: "allowfullscreen"}, Value: "true"}
encodeStartTag(encoder, "iframe", attrs...)
encodeEndTag(encoder, "iframe")
} else {
encodeStartTag(encoder, "a"
xml.Attr{Name: xml.Name{Local: "href"}, Value: node.Content}
xml.Attr{Name: xml.Name{Local: "target"}, Value: "_blank"}
xml.Attr{Name: xml.Name{Local: "class"}, Value: "block-link"}
encodeEndTag(encoder, "a")
OnExit: func(node *parser.Node) {
// render preformatted blocks
walker.AddEventListener([]parser.BlockType{parser.BlockPreformatted}, walkers.ListenerConfig{
OnEnter: func(node *parser.Node) {
codeLines := highlighter.ParseCode(node.Content)
encodeStartTag(encoder, "div", xml.Attr{Name: xml.Name{Local: "class"}, Value: "code-block"})
for _, line := range codeLines {
encodeStartTag(encoder, "div", xml.Attr{Name: xml.Name{Local: "class"}, Value: "code-line"})
for _, span := range line {
encodeStartTag(encoder, "span", xml.Attr{Name: xml.Name{Local: "class"}, Value: span.Kind})
encodeEndTag(encoder, "span")
encodeEndTag(encoder, "div")
encodeEndTag(encoder, "div")
OnExit: func(node *parser.Node) {
err = encoder.Flush()
if err != nil {
err = encoder.Close()
if err != nil {
// now drop the output into the template
templateFile, err := os.Open(siteTemplateFile)
if err != nil {
defer templateFile.Close()
// use the text/template package to render the template to avoid escaping the html
templateRoot, err := template.ParseFiles(siteTemplateFile)
if err != nil {
outFile, err := os.Create(out)
if err != nil {
dataBytes, err := os.ReadFile(dataOutput.Name())
if err != nil {
templateData.Me = string(dataBytes)
templateRoot.Execute(outFile, templateData)
type GeminiWalkerDir struct {
node *parser.Node
path string
indexFile *os.File
type GeminiWalkerCtx struct {
root *parser.Node
dirBlockTypes []parser.BlockType
// Maps node ID to the directory data
dirData map[string]*GeminiWalkerDir
func BuildGemfiles(siteDataFile string) {
siteTxt, err := os.Open(siteDataFile)
if err != nil {
defer siteTxt.Close()
root := parser.Parse(siteTxt)
geminiCtx := GeminiWalkerCtx{
root: root,
dirBlockTypes: []parser.BlockType{parser.BlockPage}
dirData: map[string]*GeminiWalkerDir{}
walker := walkers.NewWalker()
walker.AddEventListener(geminiCtx.dirBlockTypes, walkers.ListenerConfig{
OnEnter: func(node *parser.Node) {
// create a directory for the page under the parent page (or root)
parentData, err := geminiCtx.findDirParentData(node)
if err != nil {
dirPath := filepath.Join(parentData.path, slugify(node.Content))
err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(outDir, dirPath), 0755)
if err != nil {
// create index file
indexFile, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(outDir, dirPath, "index.gmi"))
if err != nil {
indexFile.WriteString("# " + node.Content + "\n\n")
geminiCtx.dirData[node.ID] = &GeminiWalkerDir{
node: node,
path: dirPath,
indexFile: indexFile,
// add a link to this page from parent
parentData.indexFile.WriteString("=> " + dirPath + "\n")
// add a link back to the parent
indexFile.WriteString("=> " + parentData.path + "\n")
OnExit: func(node *parser.Node) {
// we can close the file now that all children are done
if data, ok := geminiCtx.dirData[node.ID]; ok {
fileContentBlockTypes := []parser.BlockType{}
for _, blockType := range parser.RenderableBlockTypes {
if !slices.Contains(geminiCtx.dirBlockTypes, blockType) {
fileContentBlockTypes = append(fileContentBlockTypes, blockType)
walker.AddEventListener(fileContentBlockTypes, walkers.ListenerConfig{
OnEnter: func(node *parser.Node) {
// write the content to the index file
parentData, err := geminiCtx.findDirParentData(node)
if err != nil {
switch node.BlockType {
case parser.BlockText:
thisNodeDepth := node.Depth - parentData.node.Depth
parentData.indexFile.WriteString("* " + strings.Repeat(".", thisNodeDepth) + " " + node.Content + "\n")
case parser.BlockLink:
parentData.indexFile.WriteString("=> " + node.Content + "\n")
case parser.BlockPreformatted:
parentData.indexFile.WriteString("\`\`\`" + node.Content + "\n\`\`\`" + "\n")
case parser.BlockHeader:
parentData.indexFile.WriteString("# " + node.Content + "\n")
case parser.BlockQuote:
parentData.indexFile.WriteString("> " + node.Content + "\n")
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled block type: %s", node.BlockType.Name()))
OnExit: func(node *parser.Node) {
// init initializes the GeminiWalkerCtx and must be called before walking the tree
func (g *GeminiWalkerCtx) init() {
// create root
rootIndex := filepath.Join(outDir, "index.gmi")
rootFile, err := os.Create(rootIndex)
if err != nil {
data := &GeminiWalkerDir{
node: g.root,
path: "/"
indexFile: rootFile,
g.dirData[g.root.ID] = data
func (g *GeminiWalkerCtx) findDirParent(node *parser.Node) *parser.Node {
parentNode := node.Parent
for parentNode != nil &&
!slices.Contains(g.dirBlockTypes, parentNode.BlockType) &&
// root node is implicitly a dir block type
parentNode.BlockType != parser.BlockRoot {
parentNode = parentNode.Parent
return parentNode
func (g *GeminiWalkerCtx) findDirParentData(node *parser.Node) (*GeminiWalkerDir, error) {
parentNode := g.findDirParent(node)
if parentNode == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no directory data found for node: %s (%s)", node.Content, node.BlockType.Name())
if data, ok := g.dirData[parentNode.ID]; ok {
return data, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no directory data found for node: %s (%s)", node.Content, node.BlockType.Name())
// Returns a valid slug usable for url and file directory names
func slugify(s string) string {
re := regexp.MustCompile(`[^a-z0-9]+`)
return strings.Trim(re.ReplaceAllString(strings.ToLower(s), "-"), "-")
func encodeStartTag(e *xml.Encoder, name string, attrs ...xml.Attr) error {
return e.EncodeToken(xml.StartElement{Name: xml.Name{Local: name}, Attr: attrs})
func encodeEndTag(e *xml.Encoder, name string) error {
return e.EncodeToken(xml.EndElement{Name: xml.Name{Local: name}})
func isProbablyImage(s string) bool {
lower := strings.ToLower(s)
return strings.HasSuffix(lower, ".png") ||
strings.HasSuffix(lower, ".jpg") ||
strings.HasSuffix(lower, ".jpeg") ||
strings.HasSuffix(lower, ".gif")
func isProbablyYouTube(s string) bool {
return strings.Contains(s, "youtube.com/embed")
func getNodeSummary(node *parser.Node) string {
summary := node.Content
if node.BlockType == parser.BlockPreformatted {
summary = fmt.Sprintf("`code` %s", summary)
// return first 30 characters
if len(summary) > 30 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s...", summary[:30])
return summary
// if len(node.Content) > 30 {
// return fmt.Sprintf("%s...", node.Content[:30])
// }
return summary



package dev
import (
const httpAddr = ":8080"
const geminiAddr = ":8081"
const geminiCertFile = "dev-cert.pem"
const geminiKeyFile = "dev-key.pem"
var geminiLogger = log.New(os.Stdout, "[Gemini Server] ", log.LstdFlags|log.Lshortfile)
func ServeDirectory(dir string) {
// serve files from the directory
http.Handle("/", http.FileServer(http.Dir(dir)))
fullAddr := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost%s", httpAddr)
fmt.Println("[HTTP Server] Serving HTTP on", fullAddr)
// start the server
http.ListenAndServe(httpAddr, nil)
func GeminiServeDirectory(dir string) {
cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(geminiCertFile, geminiKeyFile)
if err != nil {
config := &tls.Config{
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12
MaxVersion: tls.VersionTLS13
Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert}
ln, err := tls.Listen("tcp", geminiAddr, config)
if err != nil {
fullAddr := fmt.Sprintf("gemini://localhost%s", geminiAddr)
geminiLogger.Println("Serving Gemini on", fullAddr, "from", dir)
for {
conn, err := ln.Accept()
if err != nil {
go handleGeminiRequest(conn, dir)
const responseInvalidRequest = "59 Invalid request\r\n"
// handleGeminiRequest handles a single Gemini request
// Docs:
// https://geminiprotocol.net/docs/protocol-specification.gmi
// gemini://geminiprotocol.net/docs/protocol-specification.gmi
func handleGeminiRequest(conn net.Conn, dir string) {
absBaseDir, err := filepath.Abs(dir)
if err != nil {
geminiLogger.Println("Error getting absolute path for base directory:", dir)
defer conn.Close()
uriMaxBytes := 1024
// +2 for \r\n
req := make([]byte, uriMaxBytes+2)
bytesRead, err := conn.Read(req)
if err != nil {
uriString := string(req[:bytesRead])
if uriString[len(uriString)-2:] != "\r\n" {
geminiLogger.Println("Request too long or missing CRLF:", uriString)
uriString = uriString[:len(uriString)-2]
uriReq, err := url.ParseRequestURI(uriString)
if err != nil {
geminiLogger.Println("Invalid URI:", uriString)
dirPath := filepath.Join(absBaseDir, uriReq.Path)
resourcePath, err := filepath.Abs(dirPath)
if err != nil {
geminiLogger.Println("Error getting absolute path from requested filepath:", dirPath)
// check if the requested file is in the base directory
// haven't been able to sufficiently test this so it could be insecure
// isServable := strings.HasPrefix(resourcePath, absBaseDir+string(filepath.Separator))
// if !isServable {
// geminiLogger.Println("Requested file is not in the base directory:", resourcePath, )
// conn.Write([]byte(responseInvalidRequest))
// return
// }
response := handleGeminiFileRequest(resourcePath, true)
geminiLogger.Printf("%s -> %d (%s)\n", uriReq.Path, response.statusCode, response.mimeType)
type GeminiResponse struct {
statusCode int
mimeType string
content string
errorMsg string
func (r GeminiResponse) Write(w io.Writer) {
responseType := string(strconv.Itoa(r.statusCode)[0])
switch responseType {
case "2":
w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d %s\r\n", r.statusCode, r.mimeType)))
case "4", "5":
w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d %s\r\n", r.statusCode, r.errorMsg)))
w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d %s\r\n", 40, "Internal server error")))
func handleGeminiFileRequest(path string, allowDir bool) GeminiResponse {
f, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return GeminiResponse{
statusCode: 51
errorMsg: "File not found"
if f.IsDir() {
if !allowDir {
return GeminiResponse{
statusCode: 51
errorMsg: "File not found"
// try serving an index.gmi file
indexPath := filepath.Join(path, "index.gmi")
return handleGeminiFileRequest(indexPath, false)
return constructGeminiFileResponse(path)
func constructGeminiFileResponse(path string) GeminiResponse {
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return GeminiResponse{
statusCode: 51
errorMsg: "File not found"
defer file.Close()
sniffedContentType, err := sniffContentType(file)
if err != nil {
return GeminiResponse{
statusCode: 40
errorMsg: "Unexpected error"
content := new(strings.Builder)
buf := make([]byte, 1024)
_, err = file.Seek(0, 0)
if err != nil {
return GeminiResponse{
statusCode: 40
errorMsg: "Unexpected error"
for {
n, err := file.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
return GeminiResponse{
statusCode: 20
mimeType: sniffedContentType,
content: content.String()
func sniffContentType(file *os.File) (string, error) {
_, err := file.Seek(0, 0)
if err != nil {
return "", err
sniffData := make([]byte, 512)
_, err = file.Read(sniffData)
if err != nil {
return "", err
_, err = file.Seek(0, 0)
if err != nil {
return "", err
detectedType := http.DetectContentType(sniffData)
if detectedType == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" && filepath.Ext(file.Name()) == ".gmi" {
return "text/gemini", nil
// manually created gemini files are detected as application/octet-stream for some reason
if detectedType == "application/octet-stream" && filepath.Ext(file.Name()) == ".gmi" {
return "text/gemini", nil
return detectedType, nil



package highlighter
import (
type TokenPattern struct {
Name string
Pattern *regexp.Regexp
Priority int
// ordered by precedence (lowest to highest)
var allPatterns = []TokenPattern{
{Name: "whitespace", Pattern: regexp.MustCompile(`\s+`), Priority: 0}
{Name: "boolean", Pattern: regexp.MustCompile(`true|false|True|False`), Priority: 10}
{Name: "operator", Pattern: regexp.MustCompile(`[+\-*/\.\=<>\!\{\}\(\)\[\];:]`), Priority: 20}
{Name: "number", Pattern: regexp.MustCompile(`\d+(\.\d+)?`), Priority: 30}
{Name: "string", Pattern: regexp.MustCompile(`["'][^"']+["']`), Priority: 40}
{Name: "comment", Pattern: regexp.MustCompile(`(#|//).*`), Priority: 50},
type Span struct {
Start int
End int
Value string
Kind string
tokenPattern TokenPattern
func parseLine(line string) []Span {
allMatches := []Span{}
for _, p := range allPatterns {
matches := p.Pattern.FindAllStringIndex(line, -1)
for _, match := range matches {
span := Span{
Start: match[0]
End: match[1]
Value: line[match[0]:match[1]]
Kind: p.Name,
tokenPattern: p,
allMatches = append(allMatches, span)
slices.SortFunc(allMatches, func(a, b Span) int {
return a.Start - b.Start
mergedSpans := []Span{}
for _, match := range allMatches {
if len(mergedSpans) == 0 {
mergedSpans = append(mergedSpans, match)
lastSpan := mergedSpans[len(mergedSpans)-1]
if lastSpan.Start <= match.Start && match.Start < lastSpan.End {
if match.tokenPattern.Priority > lastSpan.tokenPattern.Priority {
mergedSpans[len(mergedSpans)-1] = match
} else {
mergedSpans = append(mergedSpans, match)
// fill in gaps of spans as words
completeSpans := []Span{}
for i, span := range mergedSpans {
if i == 0 {
if span.Start > 0 {
completeSpans = append(completeSpans, Span{
Start: 0
End: span.Start,
Value: line[0:span.Start]
Kind: "word"
completeSpans = append(completeSpans, span)
} else {
lastSpan := mergedSpans[i-1]
if lastSpan.End == span.Start {
completeSpans = append(completeSpans, span)
} else {
completeSpans = append(completeSpans, Span{
Start: lastSpan.End,
End: span.Start,
Value: line[lastSpan.End:span.Start]
Kind: "word"
completeSpans = append(completeSpans, span)
// fill in the last word if there is one
if len(mergedSpans) != 0 {
lastSpan := mergedSpans[len(mergedSpans)-1]
if lastSpan.End < len(line)-1 {
completeSpans = append(completeSpans, Span{
Start: lastSpan.End,
End: len(line)
Value: line[lastSpan.End:]
Kind: "word"
return completeSpans
func ParseCode(code string) [][]Span {
lineSpans := [][]Span{}
for _, line := range regexp.MustCompile(`\n`).Split(code, -1) {
spans := parseLine(line)
lineSpans = append(lineSpans, spans)
return lineSpans



package monitors
import (
type FileMonitor struct {
// tbh this should probably emit a single event with all the files that changed instead
Changed chan string
fileStats map[string]os.FileInfo
func NewFileMonitor(filePaths []string) (*FileMonitor, error) {
fileStats := make(map[string]os.FileInfo)
m := &FileMonitor{
fileStats: fileStats,
Changed: make(chan string)
for _, filePath := range filePaths {
stat, err := os.Stat(filePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
m.fileStats[filePath] = stat
go m.watch()
return m, nil
func (m *FileMonitor) AddFile(filePath string) error {
stat, err := os.Stat(filePath)
if err != nil {
return err
m.fileStats[filePath] = stat
m.Changed <- filePath
return nil
func (m *FileMonitor) watch() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(2 * time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
m.Changed <- "init"
for range ticker.C {
func (m *FileMonitor) checkFiles() {
fileChanged := false
for filePath, stat := range m.fileStats {
newStat, err := os.Stat(filePath)
if err != nil {
if newStat.Size() != stat.Size() || newStat.ModTime() != stat.ModTime() {
fileChanged = true
m.fileStats[filePath] = newStat
if fileChanged {
m.Changed <- "file"



package parser
import (
func ParseFileTree(codeDir string, fileTypes []string, additionalFilePaths []string) *Node {
root := &Node{ID: "root", Depth: -1, Content: "root", Parent: nil, Children: []*Node{}}
codeFiles := []string{}
err := filepath.Walk(codeDir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if !info.IsDir() && slices.Contains(fileTypes, filepath.Ext(path)) {
completeNode(path, root)
codeFiles = append(codeFiles, path)
return nil
if err != nil {
for _, path := range additionalFilePaths {
completeNode(path, root)
return root
func completeNode(path string, root *Node) {
parts := strings.Split(path, "/")
currentNode := root
currentDepth := 0
for _, part := range parts {
for _, child := range currentNode.Children {
if child.Content == part {
currentNode = child
// doesn't already exist, create it
newNode := &Node{
Depth: currentDepth,
Content: part,
BlockType: BlockPage,
Parent: currentNode,
Children: []*Node{}
ID: "",
currentNode.Children = append(currentNode.Children, newNode)
// if this is the last part in path, add the code
if part == parts[len(parts)-1] {
addCodeNode(newNode, path, currentDepth)
currentNode = currentNode.Children[len(currentNode.Children)-1]
func addCodeNode(parent *Node, path string, currentDepth int) {
// read the file and parse it
code, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
codeStr := string(code)
parent.Children = append(parent.Children, &Node{
Depth: currentDepth + 1
Content: codeStr,
BlockType: BlockPreformatted,
Parent: parent,
Children: []*Node{}
ID: "",



package parser
import (
const (
BlockRoot = iota
type BlockType int
var AllBlockTypes = [...]BlockType{
var RenderableBlockTypes = [...]BlockType{
type blockSpec struct {
BlockType BlockType
Token string
Name string
var blockTypeToString = map[BlockType]blockSpec{
BlockRoot: {
BlockType: BlockRoot,
Token: "__root__"
Name: "Root"
BlockText: {
BlockType: BlockText,
Token: "",
Name: "Text"
BlockPreformatted: {
BlockType: BlockPreformatted,
Token: "\`\`\`"
Name: "Preformatted"
BlockHeader: {
BlockType: BlockHeader,
Token: "#",
Name: "Header"
BlockPage: {
BlockType: BlockPage,
Token: "$"
Name: "Page"
BlockLink: {
BlockType: BlockLink,
Token: "=>"
Name: "Link"
BlockQuote: {
BlockType: BlockQuote,
Token: ">"
Name: "Quote"
func (blockType BlockType) Name() string {
if spec, ok := blockTypeToString[blockType]; ok {
return spec.Name
panic("Unknown block type: " + strconv.Itoa(int(blockType)))
func (blockType BlockType) Token() string {
if spec, ok := blockTypeToString[blockType]; ok {
return spec.Token
panic("Unknown block type: " + strconv.Itoa(int(blockType)))
type Node struct {
Depth int
Content string
BlockType BlockType
Parent *Node
Children []*Node
ID string
const (
ParseNormal = iota
// const fileName = "me.txt"
const fileName = "test.txt"
func Parse(content io.Reader) *Node {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(content)
currentMode := ParseNormal
rootNode := &Node{ID: "root", Depth: -1, Content: "root", Parent: nil, Children: []*Node{}}
currentNode := rootNode
currentLine := 0
for scanner.Scan() {
lineData := scanner.Text()
switch currentMode {
case ParseNormal:
charIndex := 0
for charIndex < len(lineData) && lineData[charIndex] == ' ' {
spaceCount := charIndex
if charIndex == len(lineData) {
if lineData[charIndex] != '-' {
panicWith(currentNode, "Expected '-' at line "+strconv.Itoa(currentLine)+" char "+strconv.Itoa(charIndex)+" but got "+string(lineData[charIndex]))
remainingData := strings.TrimLeft(lineData[charIndex+1:], " ")
blockType, blockContent := getBlock(remainingData)
// walk up the tree until we find a parent with smaller depth
parentNode := currentNode
for parentNode != nil && parentNode.Depth >= spaceCount {
parentNode = parentNode.Parent
if parentNode == nil {
panicWith(rootNode, "No parent found for line "+strconv.Itoa(currentLine))
newNode := &Node{Depth: spaceCount, Content: blockContent, BlockType: blockType, Parent: parentNode, Children: []*Node{}}
parentNode.Children = append(parentNode.Children, newNode)
currentNode = newNode
if blockType == BlockPreformatted {
currentMode = ParsePreFormatted
case ParsePreFormatted:
if hasPrefix(lineData, "\`\`\`") {
currentMode = ParseNormal
} else {
if currentNode.Content == "" {
currentNode.Content = lineData
} else {
currentNode.Content += "\n" + lineData
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
return rootNode
func (node *Node) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s]%s", node.BlockType.Name(), node.Content)
func (node *Node) FindNode(content string) (*Node, error) {
if node.Content == content {
return node, nil
for _, child := range node.Children {
foundNode, err := child.FindNode(content)
if err == nil {
return foundNode, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Node with content \"%s\" not found", content)
func (node *Node) updateID() {
// node.ID = hashString(node.Content)
// turn content into alphanumeric slug with dashes
slug := ""
for _, char := range node.Content {
if (char >= 'a' && char <= 'z') || (char >= 'A' && char <= 'Z') || (char >= '0' && char <= '9') {
slug += string(char)
} else if char == ' ' {
slug += "-"
idPath := node.Parent.ID + "/" + slug
node.ID = idPath
func hasPrefix(s, prefix string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(s, prefix)
// return len(s) >= len(prefix) && s[:len(prefix)] == prefix
func getBlock(data string) (blockType BlockType, blockContent string) {
switch {
case hasPrefix(data, "\`\`\`"):
return BlockPreformatted, data[3:]
case hasPrefix(data, "#"):
return BlockHeader, strings.TrimLeft(data[1:], " ")
case hasPrefix(data, "=>"):
return BlockLink, strings.TrimLeft(data[2:], " ")
case hasPrefix(data, "$"):
return BlockPage, strings.TrimLeft(data[1:], " ")
case hasPrefix(data, ">"):
return BlockQuote, strings.TrimLeft(data[1:], " ")
return BlockText, data
func panicWith(lastNode *Node, message string) {
panic("Last Node: " + lastNode.String() + "\n" + message)
func hashString(input string) string {
hasher := sha256.New()
hashBytes := hasher.Sum(nil)
return hex.EncodeToString(hashBytes)



package renderers
import (
parser "github.com/macintoshpie/listwebsite/parsers"
func NewUlRenderer(node *parser.Node) *XMLRenderer {
return &XMLRenderer{
root: newXMLRendererNode(node, ulEncoder)
func NewDetailsRenderer(node *parser.Node) *XMLRenderer {
return &XMLRenderer{
root: newXMLRendererNode(node, detailsEncoder)
func detailsEncoder(node *xmlRendererNode, e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
if node.BlockType != parser.BlockRoot {
// set the name of the custom xml element
start.Name.Local = "details"
err := e.EncodeToken(start)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
// close the custom xml element
err := e.EncodeToken(xml.EndElement{Name: start.Name})
if err != nil {
// encode summary
err = e.EncodeElement(node.Content, xml.StartElement{Name: xml.Name{Local: "summary"}})
if err != nil {
return err
// encode children, if any
for _, child := range node.Children {
// Recursively call MarshalXML on each child
err := e.EncodeElement(child, xml.StartElement{Name: xml.Name{Local: "placeholder"}})
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func ulEncoder(node *xmlRendererNode, e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
if node.BlockType == parser.BlockRoot {
// set the name of the custom xml element
start.Name.Local = "ul"
err := e.EncodeToken(start)
if err != nil {
return err
// encode children, if any
for _, child := range node.Children {
// Recursively call MarshalXML on each child
err := e.EncodeElement(child, xml.StartElement{Name: xml.Name{Local: "placeholder"}})
if err != nil {
return err
err = e.EncodeToken(xml.EndElement{Name: start.Name})
return err
} else {
// set the name of the custom xml element
start.Name.Local = "li"
err := e.EncodeToken(start)
if err != nil {
return err
err = e.EncodeToken(xml.CharData(node.Content))
if err != nil {
return err
if len(node.Children) > 0 {
err = e.EncodeToken(xml.StartElement{Name: xml.Name{Local: "ul"}})
if err != nil {
return err
for _, child := range node.Children {
// Recursively call MarshalXML on each child
err := e.EncodeElement(child, xml.StartElement{Name: xml.Name{Local: "placeholder"}})
if err != nil {
return err
err = e.EncodeToken(xml.EndElement{Name: xml.Name{Local: "ul"}})
if err != nil {
return err
err = e.EncodeToken(xml.EndElement{Name: start.Name})
return err



package renderers
import (
parser "github.com/macintoshpie/listwebsite/parsers"
type ListRenderer struct {
indentation string
delim string
tokenPadding string
func NewListRenderer() *ListRenderer {
return &ListRenderer{
indentation: " "
delim: "-"
tokenPadding: " "
func (lr *ListRenderer) WithIndentation(indentation string) *ListRenderer {
lr.indentation = indentation
return lr
func (lr *ListRenderer) WithDelim(delim string) *ListRenderer {
lr.delim = delim
return lr
func (lr *ListRenderer) WithTokenPadding(tokenPadding string) *ListRenderer {
lr.tokenPadding = tokenPadding
return lr
func (lr *ListRenderer) Render(node *parser.Node, o io.Writer) {
if node.BlockType != parser.BlockRoot {
o.Write([]byte(strings.Repeat(lr.indentation, node.Depth)))
if node.BlockType.Token() != "" {
if node.BlockType == parser.BlockPreformatted {
} else {
// escape the content
content := strings.ReplaceAll(node.Content, "\`\`\`", "\\`\\`\\`")
o.Write([]byte(content + "\n"))
if node.BlockType == parser.BlockPreformatted {
for _, child := range node.Children {
lr.Render(child, o)



package renderers
import (
parser "github.com/macintoshpie/listwebsite/parsers"
type Renderer interface {
Render(node *parser.Node, o io.Writer)



package renderers
import (
parser "github.com/macintoshpie/listwebsite/parsers"
// NewXmlRenderer creates a new XMLRenderer with the given parser.Node as the root
func NewXmlRenderer(node *parser.Node) *XMLRenderer {
return &XMLRenderer{
root: newXMLRendererNode(node, simpleXmlEncoder)
// SetXmlEncoder sets the encoder function for the given node and all of its children
func SetXmlEncoder(node *xmlRendererNode, encoderFunc EncoderFunc) {
node.encoderFunc = encoderFunc
for _, child := range node.Children {
SetXmlEncoder(child, encoderFunc)
type XMLRenderer struct {
root *xmlRendererNode
func (xr *XMLRenderer) Render(o io.Writer) {
xmlResult, err := xml.MarshalIndent(xr.root, "", " ")
if err != nil {
type EncoderFunc func(node *xmlRendererNode, e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
// xmlRendererNode is a struct that represents a node that can be rendered to XML
// I tried using embedding to avoid recreating nodes, but the Renderer would end up using the parser.Node struct's Renderer instead...
type xmlRendererNode struct {
BlockType parser.BlockType
Content string
Children []*xmlRendererNode
encoderFunc EncoderFunc
func (nm *xmlRendererNode) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
return nm.encoderFunc(nm, e, start)
// newXMLRendererNode recursively creates a new XMLRendererNode tree from a parser.Node tree
func newXMLRendererNode(node *parser.Node, encoderFunc EncoderFunc) *xmlRendererNode {
nm := &xmlRendererNode{
BlockType: node.BlockType,
Content: node.Content,
encoderFunc: encoderFunc,
for _, child := range node.Children {
nm.Children = append(nm.Children, newXMLRendererNode(child, encoderFunc))
return nm
func simpleXmlEncoder(node *xmlRendererNode, e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
start.Name.Local = node.BlockType.Name()
err := e.EncodeToken(start)
if err != nil {
return err
err = e.EncodeToken(xml.CharData(node.Content))
if err != nil {
return err
for _, child := range node.Children {
err = e.EncodeElement(child, xml.StartElement{Name: xml.Name{Local: "placeholder"}})
if err != nil {
return err
err = e.EncodeToken(xml.EndElement{Name: start.Name})
return err



package walkers
import parser "github.com/macintoshpie/listwebsite/parsers"
type ListenerCallback func(node *parser.Node)
type ListenerConfig struct {
OnEnter ListenerCallback
OnExit ListenerCallback
type Walker struct {
listenerConfigs map[parser.BlockType][]ListenerConfig
func NewWalker() *Walker {
return &Walker{
listenerConfigs: make(map[parser.BlockType][]ListenerConfig)
func (lr *Walker) AddEventListener(blockTypes []parser.BlockType, listener ListenerConfig) {
for _, blockType := range blockTypes {
lr.listenerConfigs[blockType] = append(lr.listenerConfigs[blockType], listener)
func (lr *Walker) Walk(node *parser.Node) {
listenerConfigs, ok := lr.listenerConfigs[node.BlockType]
if ok {
for _, listenerConfig := range listenerConfigs {
if listenerConfig.OnEnter == nil {
for _, child := range node.Children {
if ok {
for _, listenerConfig := range listenerConfigs {
if listenerConfig.OnExit == nil {


- $ Ted Summer
- => /images/me-circle.png
- things I like 🍓
- music
- => https://www.youtube.com/embed/liS_be9MK00
- I have a microkorg and make music in Ableton. Amateur pianist.
- => /images/cruella.png
- => https://www.youtube.com/embed/4An4oR035j8
- climbing
- biking
- I'm into 90s mountain bikes right now. I have a '93 raleigh m-40 currently
- => /images/my-raleigh.png
- hyperlinks
- => https://100r.co/
- => http://www.musanim.com/all/
- => https://mollysoda.exposed/
- => http://www.beerxml.com/
- => https://oimo.io/works
- => https://sketchfab.com/historicengland/collections/crystal-palace-dinosaurs-5cc3ed7d0d2e48c0a3edb0f656a970bf
- css
- just kidding i have no idea how to use it properly
- other protocols for this site
- => https://tedsummer.com
- => gemini://tedsummer.com
- $ sometimes I make things
- cursors
- => https://www.tedsummer.com/cursors
- this website (lists version)
- => https://tedsummer.com
- => gemini://tedsummer.com
- This website is written as a single file in a big list. html and gemfiles are generated from this data.
- list format roughly follows syntax follows gemini gemfile format. will probably move further away from it as I go because its mine
- almost entirely plain html and css. there's a small amount of javascript to support navigating directly to nodes, but the site works without js
- you can view the source code at the root "source code" node (link below)
- => #root/source-code
- you can even read the code that reads my code to put it on this site
- the code lives in srcht
- => https://git.sr.ht/~macintoshpie/macintoshpie.srht.site
- tests
- here's where i write tests for this website
- => https://tedsummer.com
- => https://linkwithchild.com
- what do you think?
- => #root/Ted-Summer/things-I-like-/hyperlinks
- this is a really long line I wonder how it will render. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
- => /images/me-circle.png
- what's under here?
- \`\`\`
// code formatting
def hello():
foo = 1 + 2.3
"foo": {
"bar": [1, 2, 3, "four"]
"yes": false
- \`\`\`
print('i have children')
- hello from the child
- \`\`\`
// really long lines of code
func hello():
print('hello, how are you doing today? Please input how you are doing')
response = input('>')
if response == 'good':
print('im so glad to hear it. you know this reminds me of a really long story. not sure I should get into it now')
// do some long math
hello = foo + bar + baz + 1.23 + pi * ('foobar' / 100) % 123 < 100 ? 123 : 456
- todos
- fix text overflow for text on mobile
- generate list data for _all_ go files (currently explicitly listed)
- links between nodes?? e.g. a link `=>` could point to a node on the list, and it'd auto-open. that would be neat but would break the 'no js' rule probably.
- tombola: generative music
- Inspired by Teenage Engineering OP-1's tombola sequencer.
- => https://tombola.tedsummer.com/
- => /images/tombola.png
- liztz: notes as lists
- A lightweight note taking application centered around lists.
- => /images/liztz.png
- tasks: timeline estimation
- A timeline estimator for multiple tasks. Uses Monte Carlo simulations to estimate when a collection of tasks will be complete. Mostly an exercise in creating fluid UI/UX.
- => /images/tasks.png
- => https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monte_Carlo_method#An_example
- => https://actionsbyexample.com
- GitHub Actions by Example is an introduction to GitHub’s Actions and Workflows through annotated example YAML files. I wrote a custom HTML generator in Golang to generate the documentation from YAML files.
- => /images/actionsbyexample.png
- mixtapexyz
- A game where players build themed music playlists with friends. Had some fun writing a custom router in Golang.
- => https://www.mxtp.xyz/
- => /images/mxtp.png
- convoh
- chat with yourself
- => https://convoh.netlify.app
- => /images/convoh.png
- freedb.me
- free sqlite databases. queried through HTTP API. hand made with go
- https://freedb.me
- => /images/freedb.png
- jot
- Post-it notes and scheduled reminders app.
- https://jot.tedsummer.com
- => /images/jot.png
- paropt: tool optimization automation
- => https://github.com/macintoshpie/paropt
- => /images/paropt.png
- => https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8968866
- pixel synth
- Pixel-based video synthesizer in HTML/JS
- => /images/pixsynth.png
- maze solving twitter bot
- Twitter bot which solves another Twitter bot’s ASCII mazes. Looks like it's banned now. thanks elon ®
- => /images/minimazesolver.png
- pentaku js
- Play against a friend or naive bots in pentago, gomoku, and other grid based games.
- => /images/pentaku.png
- $ sometimes I write
- $ shorts
- dates are hostile ui elements
- specific dates in far future or past mean nothing. we "don't care". or maybe straight up can't recall b/c it's so specific without context.
- e.g. someone reading my "last updated xxxx-xx-xx" date on bottom of my site and trying to determine "is there something new" or even "is this thing still used"
- it'd be cool if there was like a flower that slowly dies as "days since last updated" increases. i think im going to make that
- full webpage scroll effects are whack 99% of the time
- looks like even apple.com has chilled out with these effects
- there's probably some game dev principle about not violating expected input effects
- requiring the site to turn the users mouse into a "scroll down" hint should tell you you've fucked up
- perl should have used the keyword "my" for constants and "our" for variables
- \`\`\`
my $NAME = "ted";
our @shared_friends = ("alice", "bob", "charlie");
- it also should have used camel case
- $ archiving your internet
- spotify
- Go to the link below and download your data.
- => https://www.spotify.com/us/account/privacy/
- facebook
- download your albums by clicking the kebab on each album and selecting "download". you could script this if you wanted. also it's async, facebook will give you a notification in app when it's ready to download.
- download the photos of yourself with the script below. Load the page with images, scroll down until all are loaded, then run the script. ymmv, use whatever ai you have to generate the script if needed. Note that this downloads the thumbnails which is less than ideal but I'm too lazy to do something more complex.
- \`\`\`
// find all images on the page
let images = document.querySelectorAll('img');
// filter for images that have a src and a class containing "xzg4506"
let filteredImages = Array.from(images).filter(img =>
img.src && img.className.includes('xzg4506')
// function to download an image
async function downloadImage(img, index) {
try {
let response = await fetch(img.src);
let blob = await response.blob();
let link = document.createElement('a');
let url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
link.href = url;
link.download = `image-${index + 1}.jpg`; // default naming scheme
URL.revokeObjectURL(url); // clean up the object URL
console.log(`Downloaded: image-${index + 1}`);
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Failed to download image ${img.src}`, err);
// download all images sequentially
(async function downloadAllImages() {
for (let i = 0; i < filteredImages.length; i++) {
await downloadImage(filteredImages[i], i);
console.log('Done downloading all images.');
- $ sourcehut pages
- I began trying out sourcehut because it has gemini hosting.
- => https://git.sr.ht/~macintoshpie
- It's significantly easier to use than github pages. The docs are great and short, but I'm documenting some snippets to make copypasting things easier for myself later.
- => https://srht.site/
- add a .build.yml file
- => https://srht.site/automating-deployments
- \`\`\`
image: alpine/edge
oauth: pages.sr.ht/PAGES:RW
- hut
repo: <the repo name>
domain: <top level domain or subdomain>
- publish:
# can replace -C ${repo} with the directory containing your files.
# can replace "." to determine where to save the tar file
tar -cvzf "site.tar.gz" -C ${repo} .
# can use gemini protocol with `-p GEMINI`
hut pages publish -d ${domain} -p HTTPS site.tar.gz
- configure DNS
- => https://srht.site/custom-domains
- for top level domains, just add A and AAAA records
- $ linoleum
- I wanted to make some prints on hats for a "running party" we were having. A mouse dubbed [Mr. Jiggy](https://banjokazooie.fandom.com/wiki/Jiggy) lives (lived) with us, so I wanted him as a mascot on each teams hat. So I bought some linoleum, cheap ass tools, and speedball fabric ink off amazon.
- I found a chinese site that sells hat blanks, but I would not recommend it because the hats I received did not look like the advertised product. 1 star.
- => /images/jiggy.JPG
- > mr. jiggy lived in our dishwasher and while playing banjo kazooie after my roommate had a heatstroke we though it was really funny to name him that (her? we don't know).
- I asked Dall-E to generate some photos of linoleum mice as a starting place then handdrew a simplified version onto the linoleum.
- This worked out pretty well other than the fact that I probably made it slightly too small (~2x2 inches) and it was really hard to get the hair detail. Not much to say about the cutting.
- => /images/jiggy-print.png
- I of course forgot that the print would be "in reverse" (flipped on horizontally) but who cares when it's a mouse. It would have been a problem if I stuck with the original plan of writing "stay sweaty" in Bosnian underneath but I scrapped that after our Bosnian friend began to explain the fact that Bosnian has gendered nouns and I didn't like the longer alternatives.
- Though I just did some googling/llming and found some cool bosnian bro speak like "živa legenda" (living legend) which would have been dope.
- => /images/amjo-brate-shirt.png
- > chatgpt tells me "ajmo brate" says "lets go bro" and I found this shirt on amazon (supposedly) saying "let's go bro, sit in the tavern, order, drink, and eat, let the eyes shine from the wine, we don't live for a thousand years" which is a sentiment I appreciate
- I rolled the ink on 4th of july paper plates that were too small. I will be looking for glass panes or something similar for rolling ink at the animal crossing store in future visits.
- I learned that I have no idea how much ink to use, and that you should put a solid thing behind whatever you're printing on (the mesh backing left a pattern in the first print). But it does seem cool to experiment printing with some patterned texture behind the print.
- I had been warned that nylon is a terrible fabric to print on but I did it anyways.
- It's still not fully dry after 12 hours but whatever. we'll see. it'll probably wash out.
- The first few hats looked ok. In future prints I'd like to try a few things:
- simpler design
- bigger design (~2.5 inches)
- trim off more of the excess linoleum when working with awkward printing surfaces
- => /images/jiggy-hats.png
- > the white print had way too much ink I think. The black print looks wonky because I printed without a solid surface behind the fabric (the mesh behind the hat came through).
- $ aws lambda: local server
- I've been messing around with a project which uses netlify and lambda (it's free and static sites are hawt). I basically have one main lambda function which handles api requests built in golang. It's pretty awesome how easy netlify lets you build and deploy, but I wanted to a nice local setup for building and testing my api server. I think aws has its own tooling for this, but I didn't really want to start fooling with it, so I came up with this.
- First, use a docker container docker-lambda to actually "run" the lambda. This is an awesome container, but you have to use the lambda API for interacting with the service. That's no good because our frontend shouldn't care about the lambda API, and it should just use the API gateway netlify uses for the functions.
- => https://github.com/lambci/docker-lambda
- To fix this, I created a small python proxy takes requests, converts them into API Gateway requests, forwards it to our docker container with the lambda, then converts the API Gateway response into a normal HTTP response. I _really_ struggled to get the python request handler to do all of the things I wanted, but eventually I got it working.
- Here's the full script I use to run the lambda as an HTTP API locally. Since I'm using golang I use the `go1.x` tag for the container and provide the path to the executable. Also, I ended up wrapping the python starting process in a loop b/c it was taking a while for the port to become available again after killing and restarting the script.
- \`\`\`
#! /bin/bash
# Starts a a mock lambda server allowing you to make requests
set -
# build my go executable
make build
docker rm -f lambda_service 2>&1 >/dev/null || true
docker run -d --rm
--name lambda_service
-p 9001:9001
--env-file .env
-v "$PWD":/var/task:ro,delegated
# Change tag and path to executable as needed
lambci/lambda:go1.x ./bin/functions/jockey
# start a proxy server that handles translating to and from APIGateway request/responses
python3 -c
from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler
from http.client import parse_headers
import socketserver
from urllib.request import urlopen
from json import dumps, loads
import os
import time
PORT = 8000
LAMBDA_PORT = int(os.getenv("LAMBDA_PORT", "9001"))
class Proxy(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
# change the function name as needed (my functions name is jockey)
lambda_endpoint = f"http://localhost:{LAMBDA_PORT}/2015-03-31/functions/jockey/invocations"
def proxy_it(self):
content_length = self.headers["Content-Length"]
data_string = ""
if content_length:
data_string = self.rfile.read(int(content_length)).decode()
constructed_request = {
"path": self.path,
"httpMethod": self.command,
"body": data_string,
"headers": {k: self.headers[k] for k in self.headers.keys()}
print("Sending Request: ", constructed_request)
response = urlopen(self.lambda_endpoint, dumps(constructed_request).encode())
body = response.read().decode()
http_response = loads(body)
print("\nGot Response: ", http_response)
headers = http_response.get("headers", {})
body = http_response["body"] if http_response.get("body") else ""
status_code = http_response.get("statusCode", 500)
for header, value in headers.items():
self.send_header(header, value)
self.wfile.write(bytes(body, "utf-8"))
def do_GET(self):
def do_POST(self):
def do_OPTIONS(self):
started = False
while not started:
with socketserver.TCPServer(("", PORT), Proxy) as httpd:
started = True
print(f"Proxying from port {PORT} to {LAMBDA_PORT}")
print("Port still occupied, waiting...")
- This could probably be improved but it's worked so far for my toy project. One significant improvement to this process would be to have the docker container auto rebuild the function whenever it changes, but I've yet to add that.
- $ jq: looping
- Here's a quick example of using jq in a for loop. jq has some nice functional stuff built in such as `map()`, but sometimes you need to do some fancy stuff with the data. This might be useful when you've filtered a jq array, and then need to iterate over the objects to do some work that you can't do in jq alone.
- For this example, the goal is to iterate through an array of user objects, downloading their pictures. We'll use some fake user data from https://reqres.in/, you can download it with the script below
- script
- \`\`\`
curl https://reqres.in/api/users?page=1 > user_loop.json
- output
- \`\`\`
"page": 1
"per_page": 6
"total": 12
"total_pages": 2
"data": [
"id": 1
"email": "george.bluth@reqres.in"
"first_name": "George"
"last_name": "Bluth"
"avatar": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/calebogden/128.jpg"
"id": 2
"email": "janet.weaver@reqres.in"
"first_name": "Janet"
"last_name": "Weaver"
"avatar": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/josephstein/128.jpg"
- The finished result
- \`\`\`
mkdir -p $imagesDir
while read -r user; do
avatarURL=$(echo $user | jq -r '.avatar')
imagePath="${imagesDir}/$(echo $user | jq -r '.first_name + .last_name').jpg"
echo "Downloading ${avatarURL} to ${imagePath}"
curl -s -o ${imagePath} ${avatarURL}
done <<< "$(cat user_loop.json | jq -c '.data[]')"
- The part of interest (the looping), is written like this
- \`\`\`
while read -r user; do
# do work on user object
done <<< "$(cat user_loop.json | jq -c '.data[]')"
- # # Breakdown
- # ## Get the objects
- First, we care only about the `data` array which stores our user objects containing the URLs, so we use that object id to access it:
- \`\`\`
cat user_loop.json | jq -c '.data[]'
- Notice `-c` flag, it's important for looping over the objects. This tells jq to put each object onto a single line, which we'll use in the loop.
- # ## Loop over lines
- In bash, we can loop over lines by using the `while read -r varName; do ...; done <<< "$lineSeparatedVar"` pattern. `read -r <name>` will read in a line from STDIN, then assign the value to `<name>`; the `-r` flag tells `read` "do not allow backslashes to escape any characters".
- Now we can loop over objects from our array like so
- \`\`\`
while read -r user; do
# do work on user object
done <<< "$(cat user_loop.json | jq -c '.data[]')"
- # # Notes
- I've not fully tested this code. You may want to base64 encode the objects, then decode them if you wanna be really safe.
- `curl` concurrently, toss a `&` on the end of the curl to run it as a background process
- jq: group, unique, average
- Recently I've been running through picoCTF 2018 and saw this problem that can be solved with some cool stuff from jq (a handy JSON processor for the command line).
- => https://2018game.picoctf.com/
- => https://stedolan.github.io/jq/
- Question: What is the number of unique destination IPs a file is sent to, on average?
- A shortened version of the provided data, `incidents.json`, is below.
- \`\`\`
"tickets": [
"ticket_id": 0
"timestamp": "2017/06/10 07:50:14"
"file_hash": "fb0abe9b2a37e234"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""
"ticket_id": 1
"timestamp": "2017/06/11 05:19:56"
"file_hash": "f2d8740404ff1d55"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""
"ticket_id": 9
"timestamp": "2015/12/10 17:28:48"
"file_hash": "cafc9c5ec7ebc133"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""
- solution
- > Pipe it up, pipe it up, pipe it up, pipe it up
- > Pipe it up, pipe it up, pipe it up, pipe it up
- > - Migos, Pipe it up
- => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8g2KKGgK-0w
- In jq you just create an array of the number of unique destination IPs for each file hash, then calculate the average:
- \`\`\`
$ cat incidents.json
| jq '[
| group_by(.file_hash)[]
| unique_by(.dst_ip)
| length
| add / length'
- jq accepts a JSON document as input, so first we `cat` our JSON data into jq. In jq, arrays and individual elements can be piped into other functions.
- # ## group_by
- The first step is pretty straight forward. We select `tickets` and group the objects the objects by their `.file_hash` attribute, giving us this:
- \`\`\`
$ cat incidents.json
| jq '[
| group_by(.file_hash)[]
- output:
- \`\`\`
"ticket_id": 3
"timestamp": "2017/08/14 18:02:17"
"file_hash": "1a03d0a86d991e91"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""
"ticket_id": 5
"timestamp": "2015/08/17 20:48:14"
"file_hash": "43e10d21eb3f5dc8"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""
"ticket_id": 7
"timestamp": "2015/03/18 22:37:20"
"file_hash": "43e10d21eb3f5dc8"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""
"ticket_id": 0
"timestamp": "2017/06/10 07:50:14"
"file_hash": "fb0abe9b2a37e234"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""
"ticket_id": 8
"timestamp": "2015/07/08 17:11:17"
"file_hash": "fb0abe9b2a37e234"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""
- # ## unique_by
- Next we find the objects with unique destination ips within each of these groups. I'm not sure how jq decides which object to select from a group that share a value, but it doesn't matter for our purposes.
- \`\`\`
$ cat incidents.json
| jq '[
| group_by(.file_hash)[]
| unique_by(.dst_ip)
- output:
- \`\`\`JSON
"ticket_id": 3
"timestamp": "2017/08/14 18:02:17"
"file_hash": "1a03d0a86d991e91"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""
"ticket_id": 7
"timestamp": "2015/03/18 22:37:20"
"file_hash": "43e10d21eb3f5dc8"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""
"ticket_id": 5
"timestamp": "2015/08/17 20:48:14"
"file_hash": "43e10d21eb3f5dc8"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""
"ticket_id": 0
"timestamp": "2017/06/10 07:50:14"
"file_hash": "fb0abe9b2a37e234"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""
"ticket_id": 8
"timestamp": "2015/07/08 17:11:17"
"file_hash": "fb0abe9b2a37e234"
"src_ip": ""
"dst_ip": ""
- # ## length
- Then we get the number of objects in each group
- \`\`\`
$ cat incidents.json
| jq '[
| group_by(.file_hash)[]
| unique_by(.dst_ip)
| length
- output:
- \`\`\`
- # ## add / length
- Then you can just pipe that array into `add / length` to calculate the average for the array
- \`\`\`
$ cat incidents.json
| jq '[
| group_by(.file_hash)[]
| unique_by(.dst_ip)
| length
| add / length'
- output:
- \`\`\`
- $ sometimes I talk
- server-sent events
- A brief introduction to server-sent events, when to use them and when not to use them.
- => /images/sse.png
- => https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1i2vT6nMrRUsmFusH8HL-0fHZUEifyniL_8q0f0pBCBg/edit?usp=sharing
- schematron
- Introduction to Schematron, a language for validating XML documents.
- => /images/schematron.png
- => https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/16wpjtIqwqj0yagdQcObRzdDI6l_gYxCX/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=111583935946353067252&rtpof=true&sd=true
- $ resume
- education
- M.S. in computer science
- University of Chicago, 3.9 / 4.0, 2018-2019
- Algorithms, C Programming, Operating Systems, Networks, Parallel Programming, Big Data, Application Security, Intro to Computer Systems, Discrete Math
- B.S. double major neuroscience & chinese studies
- Furman University, 3.48 / 4.0, 2012-2016
- work experience
- Replit, senior software engineer
- February 2022 - September 2024
- Bringing the the next billion software creators online.
- Devetry, senior software engineer
- February 2022 - September 2024
- Solving complex problems for clients with custom software and codebase improvements (Python, Django, Golang, JavaScript, XML Schema, PHP)
- Tech lead for the rebuilding of the Devetry website (Netlify, React)
- University of Chicago - Globus Labs, graduate practicum student
- January 2019 - June 2019
- Created Python package which automates the process of deploying, running, and optimizing arbitrary programs
- Used Bayesian Optimization to significantly reduce the amount of time required optimize tool configuration
- Created RESTful web service for running jobs with the package on AWS and storing results using Flask, Redis, Docker Compose and PostgreSQL
- University of Chicago - Center for Translational Data Science, software developer
- May 2018 - May 2019
- Used Node.js, Groovy, Bash, and Docker to develop tools and automation for Kubernetes management and CI/CD pipelines in Jenkins
- Created custom canary rollout method using Kubernetes, JavaScript, and NGINX
- NORC, graduate research assistant II, software developer
- Refactored, enhanced, and fixed previous bugs in Django web application backend
- Designed and created a custom survey frontend using vanilla JavaScript, primarily targeted at mobile use
- Created tools and statistical analysis reports on data collected through the platform using Pandas
- Furman University, lab coordinator
- June 2016 - July 2017
- Created data processing pipelines for organizing, cleaning, and merging eye tracking, EEG and behavioral data using Jupyter notebooks, Pandas, Numpy, and matplotlib
- Created an embedded database application in Java with functional GUI for more effective recruitment
- tools and such
- watever
- $ source code
- contact me
- => mailto:ted.summer2@gmail.com
- => https://github.com/macintoshpie
- => https://git.sr.ht/~macintoshpie/
- => https://tilde.town/~macintoshpie/
- => https://twitter.com/macint0shpie
- => https://linkedin.com/in/tedsummer


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